More CISSP Exam Feedback

One of my recent students, Buddy Lott, shared some of his feedback about his recent exam experience. Thanks, Buddy!

I got to question 99 in about 1.5 to 2 hours. Was settling in for another 20 or 30 questions with plenty of time. I don’t think I had more than 5 more questions  when I got the “Test over” screen.  It scared the crap out of me. I was sure I had failed.   I don’t know exactly how many questions I had to answer. Then I had to wait for the check out procedures to get the results and discovered I had passed. It felt like forever.

I felt like the test was pretty challenging. I have no idea which questions I got the right or wrong but lots of the questions I felt had answers that were very similar or the correct answer depended on how much you read into the question. I had to make a focused effort to not read too much into the question while making sure I was paying attention to the details that were there.

Plus … I had to make sure I answered some of the questions based on the the book/class and not what my experience is/was.

Thanks again.

Leslie Lott